The Caridon Foundation will be supporting in its SECOND SLEEPOUT. After the massive success of the Evolve Sleepout in March, where we managed to raise over £ 5,000 – this year we will be supporting THE WORLDS BIG SLEEPOUT 2019 campaign taking place on Saturday 7th December 2019. We are planning to join one of the London Sleepouts in either; Trafalgar Square or The Kia Oval. Full details can be found here:
“By sleeping out, you will be adding your voice to a campaign to end global homelessness. In 2016, the United Nations had every country in the world agree that by 2030, every homeless
person will have access to adequate, safe and affordable housing. Join The World’s Big Sleep Out and let’s hold each other to account to make sure that happens” We will set up another JUST GIVING PAGE (details TBC in due course). If you want to join in this year and be part of the Caridon team to raise awareness and money for global homelessness, please send your names to Miss E. Miteva at Caridon Foundation by 25th October 2019, by sleeping out under the stars to help those who have no other choice, you will be helping to raise the life-saving funds to help end Homelessness!